The Importance of Ministry

At Berean Fellowship, we have several different ministries which are here to help the church as we strive to honor God in our lives inside and outside of the Sunday worship.

Children Ministries

Children’s Ministry exists to serve both parents and children. We serve parents by coming alongside them in their efforts to teach their children sound biblical truth with the ultimate desire that the Lord will give them new life and a heart to serve Him. We serve children by providing a safe and enjoyable environment where the Word of God is taught faithfully and Christ is exalted. To accomplish this we have age appropriate classes for children in kindergarten through 6th grade. We also offer loving child care for infants and toddlers.

Ministry Leader: Kirk Roetscisoender

                                               Teacher's Cirriculum                                                 

Welcome and Usher Ministries

In order to provide guidance, information and a welcoming environment we have ushers and greeters available to assist those attending Berean Fellowship. Our ushers who can be identified by their black shirts are able to show newcomers where the various children’s classes are and to help them find seating. Our greeters in the foyer distribute sermon notes and can give assistance as necessary.

At Berean Fellowship we celebrate communion every Sunday. Gluten free crackers and grape juice are the elements provided. "And He took bread and gave thanks, and He broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19.

Ministry Leader: Mike Norris

           Usher Schedule               Greeter Schedule          

Worship Ministry

While our lyrics cover a broad variety of Scriptural topics, we continually return to God’s glory revealed in Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross—the gospel. Our hearts and lives have been transformed by the Savior, and we can’t help singing about what is “of first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). Like Charles Wesley, we wish we had “a thousand tongues to sing our great Redeemer’s praise.” Our prayer is that the songs we perform will produce the same desire for the glory of God in your heart.

Ministry Leader: Tom Kepke

Sound And Visual Ministries

It is the goal of the Audio Visual Ministry to provide clear, intelligible, quality sound and video that is distraction free to the congregation so that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can be glorified in worship and the ministering of His Word. A live video feed is also provided to a Multi-Purpose Room and Mom’s Nursing Room for those who are unable to fellowship in the sanctuary. Sermons and the most recent announcements are recorded and made available on the website for those who are not able to attend the service in person.

Ministry Leader: Randy Kasperson

Growth Groups

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.  1 Thessalonians 5:11

Growth Groups are smaller groups of people that meet in the homes of church members at Berean and are meant to be a time for the people of the church to discuss how to apply Scripture. Some groups discuss the Sunday sermons and some are going through books of the Bible. We highly encourage all members of Berean to participate in Growth Groups, since we need one another to grow in our walk with Christ. For more information on how to become part of a Growth Group, please contact the church office.

Berean Fellowship Elders

Berean Fellowship Classes

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Col. 3:16).

In addition to the weekly teaching in Sunday at the 9 am service, we also occasionally offer Sunday school classes in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) from 8am-8:40am. The Sunday school classes are meant to provide the church with additional teachings on important topics in a more interactive way. We cover a multitude of topics in these classes. If you have a topic suggestion, please let us know.

Berean Fellowship Elders

Kitchen Ministry

The first miracle that Jesus performed was showing hospitality by changing water into wine (Jn. 2). The Apostle Paul also stressed the importance of hospitality amongst believers: "As to diligence… fervent in spirit, serving the Lord… distributing to the needs of the saints, pursuing hospitality." (Rom. 12:11-13). The leadership at Berean Fellowship has seen the benefits of breaking bread and Christian conversation. 
Coffee is available before service. Please join us after service for snacks and fellowship. We also have a variety of events throughout the year, like potlucks and barbeques. Please see the event calendar for more details.

Ministry Leader Mike Norris

Prayer Ministry

"Continue earnestly in prayer; being vigilant in it with thanksgiving". (Col. 4:2). We strongly believe that praying together is one of the many ways we worship God and grow together as believers. Because of this, after service on the second Sunday of every month, we have a brief time of group prayer as a church body. We pray about current events in the world and in our church, as we all as take prayer requests from anyone who attends the prayer service. 

Ministry Leader: Kyle Strattan